Visit of synchrotron SOLEIL and APOLLON
On Tuesday March 21, 2023, students of the Master of Physics visited the SOLEIL synchrotron (SOLEIL) and the intenser LASER source (APOLLON). After having a general presentation of presentation of the synchrotron, and a presentation by a former student of the Master, now a line scientist, they were able to visit 4 beamlines: CASSIOPEE, HERMES, GALAXIES and PSICHE.
French Physicists Tournament (FPT 2023)
16 February 2023
The team of students of the Faculty of Physics & Engineering, composed of 14 students of the Master of Physics (and 2 team-leaders) finished 8th (over 10 teams).
Visite du LHC
On December 1st and 2nd 2020, the first year students of the Master of Physics (second year of the Magisterium) visited the LHC.
Read more here.