Visit of synchrotron SOLEIL and APOLLON
On Tuesday March 26, 2024, 35 students of the Master of Physics visited the SOLEIL synchrotron (SOLEIL) and the intense LASER source (APOLLON). After a general presentation of the synchrotron, the students, divided into 4 groups, visited the APPOLON facilities (LASER preparation room, short- and long-focale rooms) and 4 SOLEIL beamlines: SIRIUS, HERMES, ANTARES and SEXTANTS. At SIRIUS, they had the opportunity to meet a former Master’s student who is now a line scientist.
French Physicists Tournament (FPT 2025)
7-8 February 2025
For the 8th consecutive year, the Strasbourg Master of Physics was represented at the French Physicists Tournament.
Read more here
2 Physics Masters and Magistère students at the Lindau Nobel meeting
July 2024,
2 Physics Masters students have been selected to take part in the Lindau Nobel meeting (read more here).